Institutional Research
How Do Shareholder Loans and Intangible Assets Impact PE Financials?
Investment professionals must carefully consider how shareholder loans and
intangible assets influence financial ratios, as these factors materially
shape ...
3 days ago
When the Household Pie Shrinks, Who Gets Their Slice?
When households face budgetary constraints, they may encounter bills and
debts that they cannot pay. Unlike corporate credit, which typically
includes cros...
4 days ago
Data Update 9 for 2025: Dividends and Buybacks - Inertia and Me-tooism!
In my ninth (and last) data post for 2025, I look at cash returned by
businesses across the world, looking at both the magnitude and the form of
that retur...
5 days ago
Markets in a Minute - Rocky Start
Week Ending January 10th
1 month ago
Play Golf at Anglesea Golf Club: Golfing by the Coast
Do you want a golfing experience that is scenic and captures the beauty of
the Australian coast? Anglesea Golf Club offers an amazing opportunity to
5 months ago
Demystifying Volatility-Controlled Indices
Learn what volatility-controlled indices are, their general mechanics, and
the potential benefits they provide to the insurance ecosystem.
11 months ago
The US debate about the final Basel III Accord
In July 2023, US bank regulatory agencies published regulatory proposals
known as the Basel III Endgame, transposing the final agreement made in the
Basel ...
1 year ago
Divest or engage?
When pension giant ABP faced protests about its fossil fuel investment
strategy, did it choose to exert pressure on oil companies or divest from
them? Jeff...
2 years ago
Asset Class Scoreboard – H1 2021
The Q2 numbers are in – and there’s just no stopping commodities, it
seems, as they put in another three months of gains to lead all assets YTD
as we hi...
3 years ago
Analytic Global Alpha Model
Analytic Global Alpha Model Global Factor allocation Five years ending
March 31, 2021 Past performance is not indicative of future results. For
3 years ago
Light in the COVID Tunnel
If you ever think you just can’t win, I know how you feel. I’m labeled both
a doomsayer and a Pollyanna—sometimes in reaction to the same letter.
4 years ago
Now Available: Narrative Economics
From Nobel Prize–winning economist and New York Times bestselling author
Robert Shiller, a new way to think about how popular stories help drive
economic ...
5 years ago
The Case for Avoiding U.S. Stocks and Buying Asia Instead
CLSA strategist Christopher Woods lays out his views on Asian emerging
markets and the potential Trump trade deal with China—and says why the U.S.
is his l...
5 years ago
Elevate your discovery process to help win great clients
As an advisor, honing your skills in asking the deep discovery questions
sets the tone for a superior client experience. These simple steps may help
you bu...
6 years ago
Company Notes Digest 11.05.18
Each week we read dozens of transcripts from earnings calls and
presentations as part of our investment process. Below is a weekly post
which contains some...
6 years ago
Brackets and Defense – LOVOL and VXTH Indexes (that Bought VIX Calls) Had
Lower Volatility
Over the past two months, there has been increased interest in (1)
portfolio protection strategies (2) learning more about prudent uses of
VIX® futures and...
6 years ago
Home Equity Wealth at New High
The latest flow-of-funds data from the Federal Reserve confirmed that
home-equity wealth reached a new nominal high this year: $13.9 trillion at
7 years ago
Former Morgan Stanley Executive to Expand Rockefeller Capital Management
Gregory Fleming, formerly with Morgan Stanley, will expand Rockefeller
Capital Management’s asset and wealth management businesses.
7 years ago
Robots Expose Firms to Compliance Risks
Pressure to cut costs by replacing humans with robots may end up hurting
firms if they’re not careful, PwC says.
7 years ago
MSCI Risk Monitor: RiskMetrics Europe - October 2015
Under a standard RiskMetrics forecasting model, this monthly Risk Monitor
reports on the evolution of risk forecasts for 12 key risk factors chosen
for t...
9 years ago